Spider-Man is an animated television series
that ran from September 9, 1967 to June 14, 1970. It was jointly produced in Canada (for
voice talent) and the United States (for animation) and was the first animated adaptation of the Spider-Man comic book series. It first
aired on the ABC television network in the United States but went into syndication at the start of the third season.
It featured the adventures of Marvel Comics' most famous character and it has proven to be the most famous, as well as the final,
production by Grantray-Lawrence Animation, which produced only the first season. Seasons 2 and 3 were crafted by producer Ralph Bakshi
in New York City.
Spider-Man was initially broadcast in the U.S. on Saturday mornings on ABC. The first episode that aired was "The Power of
Doctor Octopus"/"Sub-Zero For Spidey" on September 9, 1967. For the full run of the first season and of the second season, the show
was seen at 11 a.m. Eastern Time. ABC's last Saturday morning broadcast of Spider-Man was on August 30, 1969, with 39 half-hour
episodes (many with two separate stories) aired. The show went on hiatus until the following March, when a third season began a
six-month run, from March 22 to September 6, 1970, on Sunday mornings, at 11:30 a.m. Eastern Time.